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EntendiELISA Kit for Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme (CKMB)
Marca: Cloud Clone
Catálogo: SEA479Hu
Faixa de Detecção: 1.56-100ng/mL
Aplicação: ELISA
Espécie: Homo sapiens (Human)
Sensibilidade: The minimum detectable dose of this kit is typically less than 0.60ng/mL
Duração do ensaio: 3h
Método: Double-antibody Sandwich
Descrição Protocolo: Average the duplicate readings for each standard, control, and samples and subtract the average zero standard optical density. Construct a standard curve by plotting the mean O.D. and concentration for each standard and draw a best fit curve through the points on the graph or create a standard curve on log-log graph paper with CKMB concentration on the y-axis and absorbance on the x-axis. Using some plot software, for instance, curve expert 1.30, is also recommended. If samples have been diluted